Education Under Mao

Class and Competition in Canton Schools, 1960-1980

Jonathan Unger

Columbia University Press

Education Under Mao

Pub Date: December 1982

ISBN: 9780231052993

308 Pages

Format: Paperback

List Price: $50.00£42.00

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Education Under Mao

Class and Competition in Canton Schools, 1960-1980

Jonathan Unger

Columbia University Press

I. The Sixties: Impending Crisis
1. Up the School Ladder
2. The Senior High School Bulge and Dwindling Career Openings
3. Flawed Reforms: Rural and Urban Alternatives to the Regular Ladder
4. Memorization and Tests
5. Student Ideals and Competition: The Gathering Storm
6. The Cultural Revolution
II. After the Cultural Revolution: The Disastrous Leap Into a New School System
7. Back to School, 1968-1970
8. Down to the Countryside
9. Troubled Schools, 1970-1976
10. The Fight Over Higher Education
Epilogue: The Return of the Old Order, 1977-1980
Appendix A: The Debates Over Talent
Appendix B: The Upper Reaches of the Pre-Cultural Revolution Ladder: Into and Out of the Universities
Appendix C: The Course Curricula and Daily Schedules of High Schools Before and After the Cultural Revolution
Sources and Abbreviations Used in Notes
For Further Reading