Science and Society in Global Asia Workshop
John Chen, Dongxin Zou
Faculty Sponsor
Eugenia Lean
Institutional Sponsors
Center for Science and Society
Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Weatherhead East Asian Institute
What do connected histories of Asia offer science and technology studies (STS), and vice versa? How do encounters between heterogeneous and often asymmetrically empowered forms of knowledge push us to rethink the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized, the modern and the traditional, and the scientific and the “unscientific”? This workshop will further debates on decentering STS from Western contexts by featuring research that explores the plural, syncretic, and globalizing facets of the history of science and society across Asia. Building on a wide range of recent scholarship, as well as past events at Columbia and elsewhere, this workshop seeks new conceptual vocabularies that neither fully universalize nor fully provincialize the experiences of “East” or “West,” but aspire to the genuinely global.
Workshop Program