A Message from the Director
Lien-Hang T. Nguyen, Director, Weatherhead East Asian Institute
Welcome to the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, a hub for the study of modern and contemporary East, Southeast, and Inner Asia at Columbia University. Since its founding in 1949, WEAI has been a pioneer in East Asian Studies, expanding research in underexplored areas, fostering a collaborative community of experts from across disciplines, and offering unparalleled insight into one of the world’s most dynamic regions.
Upcoming Events
Many Faces of Privacy: The Role of Perceived Privacy in Digital Autocracy
Many Faces of Privacy: The Role of Perceived Privacy in Digital Autocracy
Uris Hall at Columbia University, 3022 Broadway, Calder Lounge Room 107, New York, NY 10027
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Event time is displayed in your time zone.Interactive Talk with Governor Denny Tamaki of Okinawa, Japan
Interactive Talk with Governor Denny Tamaki of Okinawa, Japan
Faculty House, Columbia University 64 Morningside Drive, Garden Room 2 New York, NY 10027
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Event time is displayed in your time zone.Causal Dispositionalism and Emptiness in Huayan Buddhism
Causal Dispositionalism and Emptiness in Huayan Buddhism
Philosophy Hall, Room 716, Columbia University, 1150 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10027
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
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